Have you thought about what fire safety precautions are established for your premises?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires the management of fire risks and this is initiated by a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA).
A Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) requires you to:
- Identify your fire hazards (i.e. something that could start a fire).
- Identify those at risk.
- Assess the risks arising out of each hazard identified.
- Record your findings.
- Develop a Fire Prevention Plan and an Emergency Plan.
- Train your staff so that they know what to do in the event of a fire. Training may also be required for Fire Marshals, for Fire Fighting Equipment, etc.
- Test your arrangements (e.g. Announced and unannounced evacuations).
- Review your arrangements (regular reviews should be undertaken as, over time, things change in buildings or operations that can affect fire risk).